Monday, June 20, 2011

It's 11 A.M. Somewhere

They say that blood is thicker than water. But it's summer, and thick blood sounds a little hot and heavy. It sounds like a heart attack. Let's thin it out. Add a couple ounces of vodka. Maybe a dash of Worcestershire. Some Tabasco? A couple olives. A lemon wedge. You've got yourself a fine Bloody Mary. A drink that's certainly stronger than water.

Nothing says "luxury" like a brunch drink. And nothing says "let's keep in touch" like a friend blog. So let's do this. From New York to LA, from the U.S. and abroad, we will be posting about life, love, and leisure. Whenever, wherever, and however we're taking our Bloody Marys, we'll write about it. Of course, we'll write about other things in our lives too. Brunch is more than BReakfast + lUNCH. It's about catching up with loved ones. This our table.